Durante o LTTA os formandos, alunos, formadores, coordenadores e staff, compartilharam ideias, debateram, colaboraram e demonstraram resultados nas seguintes áreas:
1 Recrutamento de RH: que qualidades, hard e/ou soft skills adquirir
2 Marketing: formas de branding e rebranding de uma empresa
3 Bem-estar dos funcionários: quais benefícios oferecer.
Príncipoios a estabelecer:
• Inspirar e ser inspirado
• Uma oportunidade de conhecer colegas interessados em sua área de estudos
• O networking não pode ser subestimado em termos de gerar ideias para melhorias futuras ou mesmo oportunidades de carreira.
Agradecemos à DIEK Glyfada, Fenchurch Faris e em especial à Vickie, Laoura, Mireille e ao Sr. Rafat Ferrif a amabilidade, simpatia com que nos acolheram e organização do LTTA.
Parabéns a todos! Publicado 02/12/2022
4th LTTA of the Erasmus+ KA2 project, Real Challenges for VET Students held in Glyfada, Greece by DIEK Glyfada concludes its work today.
During the LTTA, trainees, students, trainers, coordinators and staff shared ideas, debated, collaborated and demonstrated results in the following areas:
1 HR recruitment: what qualities, hard and/or soft skills to acquire
2 Marketing: ways of branding and rebranding a company
3 Employee well-being: what benefits to offer.
Principles to establish:
• Inspire and be inspired
• An opportunity to meet peers interested in your field of study
• Networking cannot be underestimated in terms of generating ideas for future improvements or even career opportunities.
We thank DIEK Glyfada, Fenchurch Faris and especially Vickie, Laoura, Mireille and Mr. Rafat Ferrif for the kindness, sympathy with which they welcomed us and the organization of the LTTA.
Congratulations to all of you!
ESN diek glyfadasBulgarian-Romanian Chamber of Commerce and Industry / BRCCIProandi Consultores Associados LdaSubmeet AssociationCIFP César ManriqueDimosio Peiramatiko Iek Glyfadas